PHPFusion 9 GFX Preview

PHPFusion 9 GFX Preview
The release of PHPFusion 9 RC is just around the corner.
We have stabilized The 9 Core and most of the concerns we have had with a few things is settled.
Basic functionality and some more advanced functionality is currently being fine tuned before we do the release.
Additionally there are some candy in the pipeline for the new Atom engine.
I will let these images speak for us.

The release of PHPFusion 9 RC is just around the corner.
We have stabilized The 9 Core and most of the concerns we have had with a few things is settled.
Basic functionality and some more advanced functionality is currently being fine tuned before we do the release.
Additionally there are some candy in the pipeline for the new Atom engine.

I will let these images speak for us.

A few highlights

Starcity Ignition Pack for Atom Theme Engine

Stay tuned !
Falk September 19 2015 32,827

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "PHPFusion\Minify" not found in /home/fusion/public_html/themes/templates/layout.php:206 Stack trace: #0 /home/fusion/public_html/themes/templates/footer.php(37): require_once() #1 /home/fusion/public_html/infusions/news/news.php(27): require_once('/home/fusion/pu...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/fusion/public_html/themes/templates/layout.php on line 206