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5min reading time
April 26 2014
Tesseract means infinite possibilities, coded functions to developers in order to empower the user experience.

The Development on Tesseract have been stable for about 11 months.
We are getting close to a Release Candidate.
It is still to early to mention a final release date of the finished Tesseract

With this update we will cover some of the progress we have made with as little technical background information as possible.

We have enabled Colorbox overlay for the images in this News,Click the screenshots to view a larger image.

New Functions

Some of the more important new Function´s Tesseract contains is harder to screenshot.
So we will start with them.

* Token System
In the first screenshot below this section.
Token generation and form manipulation are automated in Tesseract.
Tokens can help to prevent a wide range of potential attacks, vulnerabilities and spam.

* add_to_jquery
This is a function very much like add_to_head but for jQuery.

* add_to_panel
This is a injection method that have it´s own API for dynamic panel population via generated codes.

* More encryption methods
You will be able to select encryption methods.
We have the following methods ready in Tesseract.
md5, sha256, Bcrypt.
Bcrypt is not available for PHP versions below 5.5.


In the screenshot below there are no active Theme selected,
Tesseract can run without Themes due to Atom´s default settings.
The first screenshot shows you a larger Promotional logo. This image runs from what we call a Widget that can display multiple images in a responsive slideshow.
Widgets can instantly be injected to a panel and work from it´s base functions.
All Widgets will be configurable from a separate Administration page.

Edit Profile

These fields are definable and customizable from the Dynamics field builder system.
You can also see a Country and a Region selector that comes from our new Geomap system.

more self explaining Profile settings

Viewing a Profile

This is still a early version of the new front-end Profile system.
One of the more apparent things in this new profile system is the Overdrive system that show the recent discussion streams.
In the Overdrive system you will be able to follow and have discussion anywhere. Custom implementations is very easy for Webmasters.
You can see the collected user fields and the user groups down to the left.


Note the Login Email feature there.
The login method can be defined from the Dynamics field builder system.


Self explaining registration section.

Account recovery

This section will send you both a new login password and a new admin password.

Error log

The old Error log have been replaced with a new system.
An overlay displays the errors, the errors can easily be reseted.


Tesseract have a new Administration interface.
The new Administration also have Themeing capabillities.
The Theme you see on these screenshots are called Ares.
Tesseract are utilizing xChart´s.
A new API have been Developed to call these chart´s - Charts I/O.
We also have a Help bar that is active on all sections.
The Help API will be a combination of FaQ connectable items and locales.

This is the first part of the Dashboard

More of the Dashboard with Admin´s Quick Launch section, Site Performance and Admin Tasks.
Note that the Help bar follows the scroller down.

Menu options

You can display the Administration menu in Accordation or Air mode

The File Manager

You get full control over your files in the Images directory with this new tool from the Administration interface.

Admin Pages

This is the more for the Advanced users who have preferences.
You can arrange your Administration with the Sections and items of your choice.

Toggle Sections

Add Item


MySql backup handler for Tesseract.

Create Backup

Restore Backup


This is the new Infusions handler.
You can install and uninstall the Infusions by clicking on the status icon.

The Menu Builder

This new Menu system is hierarchical & responsive with active arguments.
You can have unlimited Menu's with unique ID´s on your site.
In Tesseract we have a new function we call Panel Injector, this tool is quite handy for Menus.
To inject Menu´s on the fly to the Panels you call a function ( add_to_panel(args); )
You can also render a Menu on the fly with the function render_menu($nav_id, $data, $class = "")
The new Menu system also contain something we call Menu Elements.
These Elements have it´s own section as you can see in the below screenshot.

Menu front

Add Link

Pre-defined Elements you can use with your Menu´s

You get a helpful overlay with a dropdown effect when you click the Help button.

Server Info

You have two tabs where one is basic information that is relevant for PHPFusion.
The other tab is about the Folder Permissions.


Folder Permissions

Time & Date

Not that many things have changed in here.

Registration and Profile field dynamics

This is one of our larger update in Tesseract, we call it Fusion Dynamics
All fields can be re-arranged and ordered with drag and drop, it uses the Drag/Drop I/O, Reactor
You can see all the form elements that are selectable on the right side.
Each element have it´s defiend set of possible values that can be expected from the selected element type.

Default configuration part 1

Default configuration part 2

Adding a field overlay

User Groups

The user groups function have been extended so they can work more like social groups rather than only access based.
The Access functions are still there and they will work as the user groups former v7 users are used to.
The system is still in early stages but the back-end have come far enough for us to show some screenshots.

Current groups

Add a group

Group settings


The Blacklist is pretty straight forward.

Viewing the Blacklist

Add a new entry to the Blacklist

Account Center

Our user handling section was in a dire need of a complete overhaul.
We created a new section that is called Account Center
Some items have been moved to it´s own sections such as Black List as seen in the above section.
The Account Center have several tabs for simple navigation
Members, Banned Members, Inactive Members, Unactivated Members, Administrator Listing, Account Control Settings
In addition to these tabs you can also apply filters to the user listing as seen in the below image.

Filtering by Super Administrators

Displaying Administrators from the tab selection, Note the droplist for options.

Displaying a profile within Administration. Notes are available.

Purge function, it can be toggled to Anonymize or Delete members as seen in the below image in the Settings.

The current User Settings tab

BBCodes & Editor

From the start we talked about moving BBCodes out from the Core as a Infusion.
After consideration Hien wanted to keep the BBCodes as a part of the Core and integrated to the new Editor.
The BBCodes will have it´s SDK as they work for PHPFusion 7 today.
The Administration interface have a simple status toggler to enable and disable the selected code.
The list you see in the below image are rendered from the BBCodes includes directory.

Installed BBCodes Administration

You can see that Tesseract´s BBCodes are merged with Tesseract´s own Editor in the image below.
The Editor will be configurable from the Administration interface.

The below picture shows the current possible Editor settings.

The below picture shows real time parsing of a smiley code


The Smiley Administration have been remade.
We are including a total of 154 Emotions with the new Smiley system.
The function will read your directory and you can add a smiley code and enable or disable the Emotion of your choice.

Theme Engine

The Atom Framework is the heart of Tesseract.
Atom have over 72 possible grid positions available to provide you with ultimate flexibility without coding.
You can load and override any theme´s settings with Atom´s comprehensive GUI.
Atom are configured to utilize Bootstrap 3.1.1. This means that you can make just about anything responsive with the help of Atom very fast.
Our Panel manager will be a GUI with a visual layout that is based on your current Atom settings.
We want webmasters to know exactly what panel and where it is on their site that is being worked with.
It can take a while to get used to the configurations esp to reach the layout you want.
Before launch we will have some pre-defined layout´s ready to load in the system.
It will be something similar : Classic - Left panels only , Right panels only - Modern ( vertical panels only ) etc etc.

We also added multiple icon set´s ready to be utilized with Tesseract and your creativity.
Our ambition is that everyone should be able to find something they want and can use for most situations.
A pngicon library with over 3500 Icons and Entypo with over 250 Icons.

Theme Presets - Let´s you load complete Themes and set them as default or just to grab the presets from available Themes.
If you look carefully you can see that the Tesseract Theme have two menu´s.
It is the two menus you see in the from the Menu Builder section - Menu front.

Theme Presets

Theme Design

Font Design

Table and Fieldsets

Grid Design Part 1 of 3

Grid Design Part 2 of 3

Grid Design Part 3 of 3

What can you expect here in the near future?

In the coming weeks we will be updating PHPFusion Main to a new standard.
One of the most profound change will be the new Responsive Atom X Theme.
The Atom X Theme will bring PHPFusion Main to a whole new level.
Atom X Theme utilizes a hybrid version of The Atom Framework to work with PHPFusion 7.02.07.
The Atom X Theme will show you new methods on how you can do core file overrides with custom content and how you can add any style and design exactly the way you want even with PHPFusion 7.02.07.
These methods also applys to sections such as News, Articles, etc and even basic layout changes from 3 columns to single columns without any core file modifications at all.

Along with the brilliance of The Atom X Theme we will be introducing a new AddonDB with options for people who want to sell Addons.
We are working on a final solution to the EPAL license for this purpose.
More details on this and it´s features will be reviled when it is launched.
Until then we will give you some screenshots of The Atom X Theme,

Displaying the new layout of PHPFusion Main´s front page - Part 1 of 3

Displaying the new layout of PHPFusion Main´s front page - Part 2 of 3

Displaying the new layout of PHPFusion Main´s front page - Part 3 of 3

Displaying the first section where Atom X Theme overrides core News

Stay tuned...
Happy New 2023
To all our National Support Sites, Developers, Co-workers, Users, Supporters and to all our friends, fellow Fusioneers and your families we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
December 24 2022 1 minute
We are very happy to announce our latest branch release of Andromeda. Download PHPFusion 9.10.30 here   You can read the initial release notes of Andromeda here
September 01 2022 2 minutes
We are very happy to announce our latest branch release of Andromeda. Download PHPFusion 9.10.20 here   You can read the initial release notes of Andromeda here
February 04 2022 3 minutes
We are very happy to announce our latest release of Tesseract. Download PHPFusion 8.00.100 here
December 15 2021 2 minutes