This is the Main Site settings section.
Site name: Name of the site.
Site e-mail address: This is the site e-mail used for the contact.php form.
Your name: The site owners name.
Site Logo: Default banner for your site.
Site description: Used as meta tags for search engines.
Site keywords: Used as meta tags for search engines. You can have multiple keywords, each keyword need to be separated with a comma.
Site footer: Used by Themes to display a footer notice.
Default search location: Set´s where to start search by default
Site Protocol: Select https if your site is on a secure server, otherwise use http.
Site Host: The domain name of your site, e.g.
Site Path: The folder level from root directory, e.g. /subfolder/ or just /
Site Port: If your site uses a non-standard server port.
Site opening page: * Default page all visitors will be brought to when first accessing your site.
Site introduction: Used by the welcome_message_panel for a short site introduction.
You can globally exclude panel sections in specific areas with the help of the fields below.
Exclude Left Panels:
Exclude Upper Panels:
Exclude Above Upper Panels:
Exclude Lower Panels:
Exclude Below Lower Panels:
Exclude Right Panels:
Note the slash before filename.
For any questions, please visit our
Settings Admin Support Forum.