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Updating a PHPFusion 7 site to PHPFusion 8 on PHP Versions > 5.6

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Falk 146
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Since PHPFusion 7 only support MySQL, which is no longer supported on anything over PHP 5.6 and many hosts will soon enough not have a single option to run PHP 5.6.

We are going to need some tricks in these scenarios for a successful upgrade.
I will try to iron out a mini patch for your local PHPFusion 7 installation on these systems.

Download, extract the attached file (mysqli_pdo.zip).
Copy the db_handlers folder to your includes folder.
The structure need to be : /includes/db_handlers/files.php

Open config.php, after
$db_prefix = "Your_db_prefix";

$db_driver = "pdo"; // Or mysqli

Open maincore.php, after
require_once BASEDIR."includes/multisite_include.php";

if(isset($db_driver) && $db_driver == 'mysqli') { 
} else {

Find around line 203 // MySQL database functions and Delete everything down to around line 315, right before // Set theme
Save and close.

Follow the installer instructions from the PHPFusion 8 readme.html.

This upgrade procedure can be very demanding depending on how much content your have.
If this procedure timeout or crash you need to manually disable the UTF-8 conversion script or if you can, raise the time of allowed PHP and SQL execution.

You disable the UTF-8 char conversion function by opening /administration/upgrade.php, line 135 change disabled = FALSE to disabled = TRUE.

PHPFusion 8.0 is compatible with version 7.02.07,
There have been a massive amount of alterations and additions to the Core systems, meaning that some Addons Mods, Infusions, Panels and Themes may need some alterations to work as intended with the system.

The upgrade will be in a few steps

Step 1
1 · You must first upload all PHPFusion 8 files in the Upgrade_7.02.07_8.00.00 folder. Replace all files when requested. You do not upload the folder. It is the content of this folder that need to match the structure of your sites files. Example: Upgrade_7.02.07_8.00.00/administration//upgrade.php > yourdomain.com/administration/upgrade.php etc.
2 · If your site is in English, navigate to your site's www.yoursite.com and enter your Administration panel. Go to System Admin > Upgrade and follow the instructions.
If you upgrade from another language than English, make sure that you first translate the files in Upgrade_7.02.07_8.00.00/locale and replace the news ones in your v7 installation folders.
When that is completed, Go to System Admin > Upgrade and follow the instructions. ( Later you will need to update all your locales to match the new English locales as well ).

Step 3
Once the database have been upgraded, copy all files and replace existing.

Step 4
Convert all your locales and addon files to UTF-8 without BOM.
Make sure that you also update your locales global.php and change charset from iso to utf8 ( $locale['charset'] = "utf8" ). PHPFusion 8 is made to run both files and databases on UTF-8.
Notepad++ Can convert files if you do not find a good batch tool for this.
Always use the English locale files as reference.

Step 5
If you do not run the site in English.
Synchronize you languages locale with the English set of locales before you start using the site in your language to void errors.
You can simply open the English locale folder and compare to yours for missing files and changes.
We can recommend Notepad++ that have a compare files tool for example.
Open 1 English file and then your matching locale in window 2 press CTRL+ALT+C,repeat for each file.

We also have a compare locale tool available in the PHPFusion 8 locales forums > https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusion...d_id=34432
Edited by N/A on 25-04-2019 09:33,
Falk attached the following file:
mysqli_pdo.zip [No information available / 279 Downloads]
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Falk 146
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