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New user field system HOW TO

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Falk 131
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As you in v6 it is difficult to add new user fields. Thanks to the new modular system in v7 it's now quite simple. No mdifications are required, but in order to add fields you have to create include files, these are stored in the folder includes/user_fields. There is a format to the construct of the filenames:

user_FIELD_include_var.php - carries the database field name & info
user_FIELD_include.php - controls input, display and data validation

If you want to have locale support you can create a file called user_FIELD.php and place it in the folder locale/langauge/user_fieds.

* replace the word field with the name of your field, e.g. user_skype_include_var.php

Lets suppose we're adding a skype field.

1. Create a locale file called user_skype.php which contains the following code:

// Field Name (appears in edit/profile and user field admin)
$locale['uf_skype'] = "Skype:";
// Description (appears in user field admin)
$locale['uf_skype_desc'] = "Skype Voice Communicator";

2. Create a file called user_skype_include_var.php which contains the following code

if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }

// Field display name
$user_field_name = $locale['uf_skype'];
// Field Description
$user_field_desc = $locale['uf_skype_desc'];
// The name of the database field used to ADD or DROP
$user_field_dbname = "user_skype";
// The group the field appears under; 1 = Contact, 2 = Information, 3 = Options and 4 = Statistics
$user_field_group = 1;
// The database properties used when ADDing the above field
$user_field_dbinfo = "VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''";

3. With the admin side of things taken care of, now we need to handle input, display and data validation. Create a file called user_skype_include.php with the following code:

if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }

if ($profile_method == "input") {
// Create the input field for registration and edit profile
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='tbl'>".$locale['uf_skype'].":</td>\n";
echo "<td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='user_skype' value='".(isset($user_data['user_skype']) ? $user_data['user_skype'] : "")."' maxlength='16' class='textbox' style='width:200px;' /></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
} elseif ($profile_method == "display") {
// Create the display for the user profile
if ($user_data['user_skype']) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td width='1%' class='tbl1' style='white-space:nowrap'>".$locale['uf_skype']."</td>\n";
echo "<td align='right' class='tbl1'>".$user_data['user_skype']."</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
} elseif ($profile_method == "validate_insert") {
// Validate the insert data field & value for our field
$db_fields .= ", user_skype";
$db_values .= ", '".(isset($_POST['user_skype']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_skype'])) : "")."'";
} elseif ($profile_method == "validate_update") {
// Validate the update data value for our field
$db_values .= ", user_skype='".(isset($_POST['user_skype']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_skype'])) : "")."'";

Important points
#1 All user_field files must start with same name i.e. user_skype.
#2 The data field and input name must be the same as point #1.
#3 The locale files go in locale/English/user_fields (or whichever language you use).
#4 The 2 include files go in includes/user_fields.

Once you have completed all of the above you should be able to see and enable your new field under Admin => User Fields.

Any questions, please reply to this thread.
Edited by Falk on 11-09-2008 22:24,
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Its in v9 since 2 years ago. Its called Quantum. Embedded in user fields. 9 types of fields.
- by Chan

I am going to have to install v9 as a test bed. I use v7.x now and have very heavily edited a lot of the files including maincore.php and header files and others to get the site to do things I need it to do. I am just dreading having to go back and edit all the v9 files to get the same things I use now. A lot of work. I use scripts for the site to break out of frames if people try to load our site in a frame on their site, a modal script for opening videos with a custom video player, images, flash or any other content I need to open in a modal window using s simple "rel" tag, and a couple others that I hard coded into the files. I also edited index.php so the site opens and displays the news without being redirected to news.php or home.php or something similar. The site simply shows up as www.domain.com instead of www.domain.com/news.php or www.domain.com/home.php. No redirection upon login either except to show index.php When you click the Home link or logo it reverts back to www.domain.com Just not looking forward to having to edit all those files all over again.
- by SnakeEye

Well, these are just a couple of things that need to be done again if you're using PF9. Life is just filled with obstacles you need to overcome.
With many of them things you've pointed out, I think segregation of the site files is possible. You just take them out and place in a custom_file.php and run them whenever you need.

For me, the passion of destroying everything and building up everything again is once a life time opportunity. Literally, once. I have used it to tear away v7 to the bone, and reassemble them piece by piece day by day. I'm even doing it today.

If the site makes money for you, it's going to worth the time and investment. If it doesn't, leave it. There is nothing fancy to break something that has already worked for you. Perhaps, a new site, a new project, then maybe it's alright to change the features and everything. Therefore, I put heavy measures in making upgrade flawless as is to everyone, with this understanding alone.

However, no one should think that with just upgrade script can do it all, it will be able to fix everything for you. No, that's just a start. You need to spend thousands if not hundreds of hours behind tweaking and making things smooth. Hence, the reason of the existing of this support site, and along with all NSS support sites of course, since if someone know how to do them things, they can't communicate or express with understandable language.

I know some of us have grown old, we're not in college anymore and we're about to move on and we're growing tired of pulling through things and swing our magic wand. However, we have been young before, and we have all the kickass stuff still.. it depends on whether you need to or not, but it's not impossible if you really want it done. :)
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Falk 131
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I have seen some sort of addon for it but can´t remember where.
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Its in v9 since 2 years ago. Its called Quantum. Embedded in user fields. 9 types of fields.
- by Chan

I am going to have to install v9 as a test bed. I use v7.x now and have very heavily edited a lot of the files including maincore.php and header files and others to get the site to do things I need it to do. I am just dreading having to go back and edit all the v9 files to get the same things I use now. A lot of work. I use scripts for the site to break out of frames if people try to load our site in a frame on their site, a modal script for opening videos with a custom video player, images, flash or any other content I need to open in a modal window using s simple "rel" tag, and a couple others that I hard coded into the files. I also edited index.php so the site opens and displays the news without being redirected to news.php or home.php or something similar. The site simply shows up as www.domain.com instead of www.domain.com/news.php or www.domain.com/home.php. No redirection upon login either except to show index.php When you click the Home link or logo it reverts back to www.domain.com Just not looking forward to having to edit all those files all over again.
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Chan 0
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Its in v9 since 2 years ago. Its called Quantum. Embedded in user fields. 9 types of fields.
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It's nice to see how you show people how to create new user fields by creating new files and coding the files themselves. I think it would be better though if the admin system was changed so that the admin could add new user fields through input in the admin panel. Either change the admin panel altogether to have this function or by installing an addon that would add this functionality to the admin panel. This way the admin could add as many user fields they want and give the new user fields any name they want as well. The admin should also have the ability to make new user fields for registration and whether or not they want them to be required fields or not.
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— 10 months earlier —
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i have create the one fields name as location fields.in that i created the two fields in same user_fields.by using the on-change function.in that fields
i keep the two drop down box in the same fields.one box is state of india and other one is an district box.
we selected the any one state in first box.in second box it will be display the district from that specify state only.
That one is prpperly working.while refresh the registration page the state and district is not display.for that i need some code for it plz anyone help me.

Merged on Apr 11 2016 at 13:21:11:
how to add another one fields in same fields
Edited by venkatesh on 11-04-2016 13:21,
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— 1 year earlier —
Chan 0
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Yes you can, Which user field?

Go to /includes/user_fields/ folder, you will see each user field has 2 file. a _include file, and a _var file. You will need to edit the _include one, which File or UF you are trying to mod?
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— 1 year earlier —
Kolb 10
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rqaven wrote:

Is there a way, so that only the user and, admins can see the content of this user fields?

I'm sorry to revive such an old thread but this question is the same question I'm trying to find an answer for.

I'm running fusion 7.02.06
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Will be possible in v7.02.
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there is still no answer about how to make a field required.
i was told to take the code out of the e-mail field, but that is HARD CODED. So, still no answer.
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User field only editable for admins but can be viewed by everyone.

PS: See the places I have added && iADMIN

if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }

if ($profile_method == "input" && iADMIN) {
// Create the input field for registration and edit profile
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='tbl'>".$locale['uf_skype'].":</td>\n";
echo "<td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='user_skype' value='".(isset($user_data['user_skype']) ? $user_data['user_skype'] : "")."' maxlength='16' class='textbox' style='width:200px;' /></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
} elseif ($profile_method == "display") {
// Create the display for the user profile
if ($user_data['user_skype']) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td width='1%' class='tbl1' style='white-space:nowrap'>".$locale['uf_skype']."</td>\n";
echo "<td align='right' class='tbl1'>".$user_data['user_skype']."</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
} elseif ($profile_method == "validate_insert") {
// Validate the insert data field & value for our field
$db_fields .= ", user_skype";
$db_values .= ", '".(isset($_POST['user_skype'] && iADMIN) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_skype'])) : "")."'";
} elseif ($profile_method == "validate_update") {
// Validate the update data value for our field
$db_values .= ", user_skype='".(isset($_POST['user_skype'] && iADMIN) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_skype'])) : "")."'";
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sorry for writing in this old thread.

Can I make this userfield I just added from this guide a field that ONLY the admins can correct, but can be seen by all ?
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— 2 months earlier —
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Sorry about resurrecting the dead, but we really NEED to be able to add a custom userfield to the registration page to act as a spambot protection. And in my mind this should be added as a default security measure.
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I used this example along with the web address field php files to create another web address field. It worked beautifully, except the new field won't show up when you click on the member in the member list. Do I need to modify an additional file in order for the additional web address to show up there?
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— 5 months earlier —
rqaven 10
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Is there a way, so that only the user and, admins can see the content of this user fields?
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HI I need some help please,,I have problem with my web site,,when people are wants to register in my web the link is going to their email to acctivate thier name in my web is a black coulor and people can not klick on that link because it seems to be an acctive linck
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What to do if I already had two new fields in v6.01, I upgraded to v7, and fields dissapeared?

I have them still in database but I don't know how to add them to user "edit profile" and to "user profile" (not in registeration).

In database it's:
favourite_movies (varchar120)
best_movies (text)

Can anyone help? I will be really thankful!
Edited by kajkobajk on 31-01-2009 11:19,
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MR Sidepart wrote:
One thing though, I had to go through and manually create a 'user_FIELD' in my fusion_user and fusion_user_field tables. Was this supposed to be done automatically by the code?

Hi Digi. I'm having the same problems as Sidepart, but I'm in the middle of a brain lapse at the moment. How do you add the database fields manually? I've done it before through "Custom Pages", but I can't seem to find my notes on how to do this. Any help would be appreciated.

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[quote]draganon wrote:
Question, how can we add the user fields on the registration page? /quote]

I'm interested on this too!

I would like to see location and birthdate on my register form!
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inuken 10
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hello! i made a user field named mood, aftr the example with skype, but i have a problem, when i want to enable it from admin panel - user field, doesnt work. it shows up enable function, i clicked on it, but nothing. and the same goes for o mood field already created. what is the problem? thanks.
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