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Unactivated Users Dont Show Up

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Caveat, I'm a PHPF newbie...
I've setup three workstations in my office, and I've always been able to register successfully. However, as I have invited a few friends to register from "the outside" (of my Comcast cable connection), no one has yet successfully registered. They all report being told they are going to receive an e-mail to confirm, but either don't receive it, or receive it but it doesn't work.

I've tried to check and see if they are listed as 'Unactivated', but find no evidence of it. So I setup a local test on a PC which had not yet had any interactions with PHPF. I also used IE instead of FFOX.

1. When I registered, I got the notification that an e-mail had been sent.

2. I had turned off polling at the particular e-mail client, and checked the admin screen on members (Unactivated) and it showed a count of zero. I tried logging out and logging back in, still showed no pending Unactivated.

3. I polled for the e-mail and got it, but I did it at a different machine than the one attempting to register (just to make it a little harder?). So now the e-mail had been delivered, but my admin session still showed no evidence of a pending Unactivated user.

4. I went back to the original new register PC and manually copied the confirmation link into IE and posted it. Registration confirmed just fine. I went to my admin session, and it showed the new member.

The good news is it seems to be working, unfortunately when friends try to help out, they sometimes don't report what actually happened with precision. So knowing for sure whether they actually completed the registration step would be helpful. I'm also looking for a PHPF system log somewhere that keeps track of the activity (specifically the notification of pending confirmation step) and I suspect I'll find one if I look hard enough, but if there isn't one, that would be helpful too.

Test site is: obf.cosmozilla.net if anyone cares to try registering.

(BTW, This is a very impressive application, well conceived and well executed. Thank you!)
Edited by cosmotopper777 on 02-07-2008 20:46,
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Lemme heck if we are talking about the same. There are two ways of registration needing some further action: with admin activation and without. In both cases the new user will get an email with a verification link. Without admin activation, the new user will click a link and activate his own acount. In that case, the admin will never see the number of Unactivated Users. Only when the system is set to admin activation the admin can see unactivated users appear, and that is when they have verified there account.

I suspect you site does not have admin activation switched on so you will never see the number of unactivated members.
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Thanks, that splains it! I just figured that PHPF would make a note of the fact that it had issued a confirmation code, and that would show up as an Unactivated user. Now that I'm tuned in to the admin confirms option, I see the rationale for how its being done. I'm pretty sure I can find the e-mail confirm message in the website log anyway, so no problem.

Thanks for the quick response.
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Basti 10
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One of my infusions the "User Control Center" can show you the user, who registered, but did not activate their account.

But the current version is only for PHPFusion 6, I hope I can update it very soon to v7 ;)
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Thanks, it would be helpful, but easy enough to track this down in the smtp log, so not a major priority immediately. I would say that PHPF should make note of the failed send, since it appears to put a temporary hold on the e-mail address used by that registrant. What that means is, I can't just go back and try the same e-mail address again because PHPF thinks an e-mail confirm is pending. So all things considered, probably the best solution would be to provide admin access to a list of pending e-mail confirms at some point.

FYI, the real problem here is that sendmails are failing due to an issue relating to hosts identified as 'localhost', or with a local domain not recognized as a valid domain. The problem is, the sendmail is being rejected by some mail servers (many) after it appears to PHPF that the send was successful, but not all servers reject the confirm, so it's difficult to track down.

The solution appears to be one of:

a) assign a valid domain name to your local host that matches your external IP.
b) use an external SMTP server instead of the local one

Apropos 'b', I am currently trying to make that work (because that is my preferred solution). However, having enabled the SMTP server with a valid domain name, user, password, it's still not working.

This may be a problem with the target Postfix host not allowing relay by my local no-name host, so I'm working on that at the moment. It might also be a problem with PHPF.V7 ignoring my SMTP host setting since (and this is pure conjecture) it knows that sendmail is enabled locally, hence it doesn't bother to look to see if an alternate server has been set as a preference.

One way or another, I think I can get this working. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

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Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

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