theme is a term used to describe the design of your php-fusion. PHP-Fusion has been designed to allow for an easily editable, and as such highly customizable, layout. To alter the layout to fit your needs you will want to acquire or create a theme. A theme will ensure the integrity of your site while making it fast and efficient to ensure your own personal touch. One of the biggest problems in today's Content and Site Management market is the "cookie cutter" aesthetics that seem to affect any site using the same system. PHP-Fusion negates that problem by allowing you the ability to design the system to fit your needs with your aesthetics
5. Q) Do I need to have experience with HTML or other web scripting languages in order to utilize PHP-Fusion?
5. A) Simply put, no! While any HTML/PHP/CSS or MySQL experience you have would greatly benefit you - given our services open source commitment - it's not required and PHP-Fusion can be managed perfectly well without prior knowledge. Where HTML is necessary - such as formatting articles - PHP-Fusion provides simple to use buttons in order to designate HTML formatting.