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Update Group Symbol from Textinput to Dropdown with Preview in Usergroups

Asked Modified Viewed 208 times
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Hello @ all,
into Admin Usergrous is now a Textinput to add a Symbol of Group present.
I replace this with a Dropdown and you can see a preview of selected Symbol:

The full /administration/user_groups.php:
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| https://phpfusion.com/
| Filename: user_groups.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or > 0, 'group_name' => '', 'group_description' => '', 'group_icon' => '' ]; public function __construct() { self::$locale = fusion_get_locale("", LOCALE.LOCALESET."admin/user_groups.php"); add_breadcrumb(['link' => ADMIN.'user_groups.php'.fusion_get_aidlink(), "title" => self::$locale['GRP_420']]); self::$groups = array_slice(getusergroups(), 4); //delete 0,-101,-102,-103 self::$default_groups = array_slice(getusergroups(), 0, 4); //delete 0,-101,-102,-103 switch (get('action')) { case 'delete': if (self::verifyGroup(get('group_id'))) { dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_USER_GROUPS." WHERE group_id='".intval(get('group_id'))."'"); addnotice('success', self::$locale['GRP_407']); } else { addnotice('warning', self::$locale['GRP_405']." ".self::$locale['GRP_406']); } redirect(clean_request("", ["section=usergroup", "aid"])); break; case 'edit': if (check_get('group_id')) { foreach (self::$groups as $groups) { if (get('group_id') == $groups[0]) { $this->data = [ 'group_id' => $groups[0], 'group_name' => $groups[1], 'group_description' => $groups[2], 'group_icon' => $groups[3], ]; } } } break; case 'user_edit': if (check_post('user_send') && empty(post('user_send'))) { fusion_stop(); addnotice('danger', self::$locale['GRP_403']); redirect(clean_request("section=user_group", ["", "aid"])); } if (check_post('user_send') && !empty(post('user_send'))) { $group_userSend = sanitizer('user_send', '', 'user_send'); $group_userSender = explode(',', $group_userSend); foreach ($group_userSender as $grp) { self::$group_users[] = fusion_get_user($grp); } } break; case 'user_add': if (empty(post('groups_add')) or empty(get('group_id'))) { fusion_stop(); addnotice('danger', self::$locale['GRP_408']); redirect(clean_request("", ["section=user_form", "aid"])); } break; case 'user_del': if (empty(post('group')) or empty(get('group_id'))) { fusion_stop(); addnotice('danger', self::$locale['GRP_408']); redirect(clean_request("", ["section=user_form", "aid"])); } break; default: break; } } public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance === NULL) { self::$instance = new static(); self::$instance->updateGroup(); } return self::$instance; } /* * Update add member, remove member */ private function updateGroup() { if (check_post('save_group')) { $this->data = [ 'group_id' => sanitizer('group_id', 0, "group_id"), 'group_name' => sanitizer('group_name', '', 'group_name'), 'group_description' => sanitizer('group_description', '', 'group_description'), 'group_icon' => sanitizer('group_icon', '', "group_icon"), ]; if (fusion_safe()) { dbquery_insert(DB_USER_GROUPS, $this->data, empty($this->data['group_id']) ? "save" : "update"); addnotice("success", empty($this->data['group_id']) ? self::$locale['GRP_401'] : self::$locale['GRP_400']); redirect(clean_request("section=usergroup", ["", "aid"])); } } if (check_post('add_sel')) { $group_userSend = sanitizer(['groups_add'], '', 'groups_add'); $group_userSender = explode(',', $group_userSend); $i = 0; if (check_get('group_id') && get('group_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)) { $group = getgroupname(get('group_id')); if ($group) { $added_user = []; foreach ($group_userSender as $grp) { $groupadduser = fusion_get_user($grp); if (!in_array(get('group_id'), explode(".", $groupadduser['user_groups']))) { $groupadduser['user_groups'] = $groupadduser['user_groups'].".".get('group_id'); $added_user[] = $groupadduser['user_name']; dbquery_insert(DB_USERS, $groupadduser, "update"); $i++; } } addnotice("success", sprintf(self::$locale['GRP_410'], implode(', ', $added_user), $group)); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } } } if (check_post('remove_sel')) { $group_userSend = sanitizer(['group'], '', 'group'); $group_userSender = explode(',', $group_userSend); $i = 0; if (check_get('group_id') && get('group_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)) { $group = getgroupname(get('group_id')); if ($group) { $rem_user = []; foreach ($group_userSender as $user) { $groupadduser = fusion_get_user($user); if (!empty($groupadduser['user_groups']) && in_array(get('group_id'), explode(".", $groupadduser['user_groups']))) { $groupadduser['user_groups'] = self::addUserGroup(get('group_id'), $groupadduser['user_groups']); $rem_user[] = $groupadduser['user_name']; dbquery_insert(DB_USERS, $groupadduser, "update"); $i++; } } addnotice("success", sprintf(self::$locale['GRP_411'], implode(', ', $rem_user), $group)); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } } } if (check_post('remove_all')) { if (check_get('group_id') && get('group_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)) { $group_name = getgroupname(get('group_id')); if ($group_name) { $group_id = get('group_id'); $result = dbquery("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_groups FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_groups REGEXP('^.$group_id$|.$group_id.|.$group_id$') "); $i = 0; if (dbrows($result)) { while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $data['user_groups'] = self::addUserGroup(get('group_id'), $data['user_groups']); dbquery_insert(DB_USERS, $data, "update"); $i++; } addnotice("success", sprintf(self::$locale['GRP_411'], $i, $group_name)); redirect(FUSION_REQUEST); } } } } } static function addUserGroup($group_id, $groups) { return preg_replace(["(^.$group_id$)", "(.$group_id.)", "(.$group_id$)"], ["", ".", ""], $groups); } static function countUserGroup($id) { if (isnum($id)) { return dbcount("(user_id)", DB_USERS, "user_groups REGEXP('^.$id$|.$id.|.$id$')"); } return FALSE; } static function verifyGroup($id) { if (isnum($id)) { if (!dbcount("(user_id)", DB_USERS, "user_groups REGEXP('^.$id$|.$id.|.$id$')") && dbcount("(group_id)", DB_USER_GROUPS, "group_id='".intval($id)."'") ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } public function displayAdmin() { $edit = (check_get('action') && get('action') == 'edit') && check_get('group_id'); $tabs['title'][] = self::$locale['GRP_420']; $tabs['id'][] = "usergroup"; $tabs['icon'][] = ""; $tabs['title'][] = $edit ? self::$locale['GRP_421'] : self::$locale['GRP_428']; $tabs['id'][] = "usergroup_form"; $tabs['icon'][] = ""; if (check_get('group_id')) { $tabs['title'][] = self::$locale['GRP_423']; $tabs['id'][] = "user_form"; $tabs['icon'][] = ""; } $view = ''; $allowed_sections = ["usergroup", "usergroup_form", "user_form"]; $sections = in_array(get('section'), $allowed_sections) ? get('section') : 'usergroup'; switch ($sections) { case "usergroup_form": add_breadcrumb(['link' => FUSION_REQUEST, "title" => $tabs['title'][1]]); $view = $this->groupForm(); break; case "user_form": if (!empty(get('group_id'))) { add_breadcrumb(['link' => FUSION_REQUEST, "title" => $tabs['title'][2]]); $view = $this->userForm(); } else { redirect(clean_request('section=usergroup', ['section'], FALSE)); } break; default: $view = $this->groupListing(); break; } opentable(self::$locale['GRP_420']); echo opentab($tabs, $sections, "usergroup", TRUE, FALSE, 'section', ['action']).$view.closetab(); closetable(); } /* * Displays Group Listing */ public function groupListing() { $aidlink = fusion_get_aidlink(); $html = "<div class='clearfix'>n"; $html .= "<div class='pull-right'><a class='btn btn-success' href='".FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."§ion=usergroup_form'><i class='fa fa-plus fa-fw'></i> ".self::$locale['GRP_428']."</a>n</div>n"; $html .= "</div>n"; $html .= "<div class='table-responsive'><table class='table table-striped'>n"; $html .= "<thead>n"; $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_432']."</th>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_433']."</th>n"; $html .= "<th class='min'>".self::$locale['GRP_436']."</th>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_437']."</th>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_435']."</th>n"; $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "</thead>n<tbody>n"; if (!empty(self::$groups)) { foreach (self::$groups as $groups) { $edit_link = FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."§ion=usergroup_form&action=edit&group_id=".$groups[0]; $member_link = FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."§ion=user_form&action=user_edit&group_id=".$groups[0]; $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "<td><a href='$edit_link'>".$groups[1]." (".self::countUserGroup($groups[0]).")</a></td>n"; $html .= "<td>".$groups[2]."</td>n"; $html .= "<td class='text-center'>".(!empty($groups[3]) ? "<i class='".$groups[3]."'></i> " : $groups[3])."</td>n"; $html .= "<td>"; $html .= "<a href='$member_link'>".self::$locale['GRP_438']."</a> - "; $html .= "<a href='$edit_link'>".self::$locale['edit']."</a> - "; $html .= "<a href='".FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."§ion=usergroup&action=delete&group_id=".$groups[0]."' >".self::$locale['delete']."</a>n"; $html .= "</td>n"; $html .= "<td>".$groups[0]."</td>n"; $html .= "</tr>n"; } } else { $html .= "<tr>n<td colspan='5 text-center'>".self::$locale['GRP_404']."</td>n</tr>n"; } $html .= "</tbody>n<tfoot>n"; $html .= "<tr><td colspan='5'><strong>".self::$locale['GRP_426']."</strong></td></tr>n"; foreach (self::$default_groups as $groups) { $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "<td>".$groups[1]."</td>n"; $html .= "<td>".$groups[2]."</td>n"; $html .= "<td class='text-center'>".(!empty($groups[3]) ? "<i class='".$groups[3]."'></i>" : $groups[3])."</td>n"; $html .= "<td> </td>n"; $html .= "<td>".$groups[0]."</td>n"; $html .= "</tr>n"; } $html .= "</tfoot>n"; $html .= "</table>n</div>"; return $html; }
/* * Group Add/Edit Form */
public function groupForm() { $html = openform('editform', 'post', FUSION_SELF.fusion_get_aidlink()."§ion=usergroup_form"); $html .= form_hidden('group_id', '', $this->data['group_id']); $html .= form_text('group_name', self::$locale['GRP_432'], $this->data['group_name'], ['required' => TRUE, 'maxlength' => '100', 'error_text' => self::$locale['GRP_464']]); $html .= form_textarea('group_description', self::$locale['GRP_433'], $this->data['group_description'], ['autosize' => TRUE, 'maxlength' => '200']); // Dropdown menu for FontAwesome Icons $html .= "<label class='control-label'>".self::$locale['GRP_439']."</label>n"; $html .= "<div class='input-group'>"; $html .= "<select class='form-control' name='group_icon' id='group_icon_select'>"; $html .= "<option value=''>".self::$locale['GRP_465']."</option>"; // Placeholder text // Define your custom list of FontAwesome icons $fontawesome_icons = [ "fa fa-abacus" => "Abacus", "fa fa-accessible-icon" => "Accessible Icon", "fa fa-accusoft" => "Accusoft", "fa fa-yin-yang" => "Yin Yang" // Add more FontAwesome icons here as needed ]; foreach ($fontawesome_icons as $icon => $label) { $selected = ($icon == $this->data['group_icon']) ? "selected" : ""; $html .= "<option value='$icon' $selected data-icon='$icon'>$label</option>"; } $html .= "</select>"; // Preview of selected icon $html .= "<div class='input-group-append'>"; $html .= "<span class='input-group-text' id='selected_icon'><i class='" . $this->data['group_icon'] . "'></i></span>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; // JavaScript for updating the preview $html .= ""; $html .= "document.getElementById('group_icon_select').addEventListener('change', function() {"; $html .= "var iconClass = this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('data-icon');"; $html .= "document.getElementById('selected_icon').innerHTML = '<i class="' + iconClass + '"></i>';"; $html .= "});"; $html .= ""; // End of dropdown menu $html .= form_button('save_group', self::$locale['GRP_434'], self::$locale['GRP_434'], ['class' => 'btn-primary']); $html .= closeform(); return $html;
} /* * User Management Form */ public function userForm() { $total_rows = $this->countUserGroup(get('group_id')); $rowstart = check_get('rowstart') && get('rowstart', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) <= $total_rows ? get('rowstart') : 0; $group = get('group_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $result = dbquery("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_level, user_avatar, user_status FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_groups REGEXP('^.$group$|.$group.|.$group$') ORDER BY user_level DESC, user_name LIMIT ".intval($rowstart).", ".self::$limit ); $rows = dbrows($result); $html = "<h4>".self::$locale['GRP_452'].getgroupname(get('group_id'))."</h4>n"; $html .= "<hr/>n"; $html .= "<div class='row'>n"; $html .= "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-4'>n"; $html .= openform('searchuserform', 'post', FUSION_SELF.fusion_get_aidlink()."§ion=user_form&action=user_edit&group_id=".get('group_id'), [ 'class' => 'list-group-item p-10 m-t-0 m-b-20' ]); $html .= form_user_select("user_send", self::$locale['GRP_440'], '', [ 'max_select' => 10, 'inline' => FALSE, 'inner_width' => '100%', 'width' => '100%', 'required' => TRUE, 'allow_self' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => self::$locale['GRP_451'], 'ext_tip' => self::$locale['GRP_441']."<br />".self::$locale['GRP_442'] ]); $html .= form_button('search_users', self::$locale['confirm'], self::$locale['confirm'], ['class' => 'btn-primary']); $html .= closeform(); if (!empty(self::$group_users)) { $html .= openform('add_users_form', 'post', FUSION_SELF.fusion_get_aidlink()."§ion=user_form&action=user_edit&group_id=".get('group_id')); $html .= "<div class='table-responsive'><table class='table table-striped table-hover'>n"; $html .= "<thead>n"; $html .= "<tr>n"; echo "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_446']."</th>n"; $html .= "<th></th>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_447']."</th>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_437']."</th>n"; $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "</thead>n"; $html .= "<tbody>n"; foreach (self::$group_users as $groupusers) { $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "<td>".form_checkbox("groups_add[]", '', '', ["inline" => FALSE, 'value' => $groupusers['user_id']])."</td>n"; $html .= "<td>".$groupusers['user_name']."</td>n"; $html .= "<td>".getuserlevel($groupusers['user_level'])."</td>n"; $html .= "</tr>n"; } $html .= "</tbody>n"; $html .= "</table>n</div>"; $html .= "<div class='spacer-xs'>n"; $html .= "<a class='btn btn-default' href='#' >".self::$locale['GRP_448']."</a>n"; $html .= "<a class='btn btn-default' href='#' >".self::$locale['GRP_449']."</a>n"; $html .= form_button('add_sel', self::$locale['GRP_450'], self::$locale['GRP_450'], ['class' => 'btn-primary']); $html .= "</div>n"; $html .= closeform(); } $html .= "</div>n"; $html .= "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-8'>n"; if ($rows > 0) { $html .= fusion_get_function('openside', self::$locale['GRP_460']); $html .= "<div class='clearfix spacer-xs'>n"; $html .= ($total_rows > $rows ? "<div class='pull-right'>n".makepagenav($rowstart, self::$limit, $total_rows, self::$limit, clean_request("", ['rowstart'], FALSE)."&")."</div>n" : ""); $html .= "<div class='overflow-hide'>".sprintf(self::$locale['GRP_427'], $rows, $total_rows)."</div>n"; $html .= "</div>n"; $html .= openform('rem_users_form', 'post', FUSION_SELF.fusion_get_aidlink()."§ion=user_form&action=user_edit&group_id=".get('group_id')); $html .= "<table class='table table-striped table-hover table-responsive'>n"; $html .= "<thead>n"; $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_437']."</th>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_446']."</th>n"; $html .= "<th>".self::$locale['GRP_447']."</th>n"; $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "</thead>n"; $html .= "<tbody>n"; while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $html .= "<tr>n"; $html .= "<td>".form_checkbox("group[]", '', '', ["inline" => FALSE, 'value' => $data['user_id']])."</td>n"; $html .= "<td>".$data['user_name']."</td>n"; $html .= "<td>".getuserlevel($data['user_level'])."</td>n"; $html .= "</tr>n"; } $html .= "</tbody></table>n"; $html .= "<div class='spacer-xs pull-right m-t-10'>n"; $html .= "<a class='btn btn-default' href='#' >".self::$locale['GRP_448']."</a>n"; $html .= "<a class='btn btn-default' href='#' >".self::$locale['GRP_449']."</a>n"; $html .= form_button('remove_sel', self::$locale['GRP_461'], self::$locale['GRP_461'], ['class' => 'btn-danger']); $html .= form_button('remove_all', self::$locale['GRP_462'], self::$locale['GRP_462'], ['class' => 'btn-danger']); $html .= "</div>n"; $html .= "</div>n"; $html .= closeform(); $html .= fusion_get_function('closeside', ''); } else { $html .= "<div class='well text-center'>".self::$locale['GRP_463']."</div>n"; } $html .= "</div>n"; add_to_footer("n function setChecked(frmName, chkName, val) {"."n dml=document.forms[frmName];"."n"."len=dml.elements.length;"."n"."for(i=0;i < len;i++) {"."n if (dml.elements[i].name == chkName) {"."n"."dml.elements[i].checked = val;"."n }}} n"); return $html; }
require_once THEMES.'templates/footer.php';

Pimp up the Symbols of Form:
[code]$fontawesome_icons = [
"fa fa-abacus" => "Abacus", "fa fa-accessible-icon" => "Accessible Icon", "fa fa-accusoft" => "Accusoft", "fa fa-acorn" => "Acorn", "fa fa-ad" => "Ad", "fa fa-address-book" => "Address Book", "fa fa-address-card" => "Address Card", "fa fa-adjust" => "Adjust", "fa fa-adn" => "Adn", "fa fa-adversal" => "Adversal", "fa fa-affiliatetheme" => "Affiliatetheme", "fa fa-air-freshener" => "Air Freshener", "fa fa-airbnb" => "Airbnb", "fa fa-algolia" => "Algolia", "fa fa-alipay" => "Alipay", "fa fa-allergies" => "Allergies", "fa fa-amazon" => "Amazon", "fa fa-amazon-pay" => "Amazon Pay", "fa fa-ambulance" => "Ambulance", "fa fa-american-sign-language-interpreting" => "American Sign Language Interpreting", "fa fa-amilia" => "Amilia", "fa fa-anchor" => "Anchor", "fa fa-angellist" => "Angellist", "fa fa-angle-double-down" => "Angle Double Down", "fa fa-angle-double-left" => "Angle Double Left", "fa fa-angle-double-right" => "Angle Double Right", "fa fa-angle-double-up" => "Angle Double Up", "fa fa-angle-down" => "Angle Down", "fa fa-angle-left" => "Angle Left", "fa fa-angle-right" => "Angle Right", "fa fa-angle-up" => "Angle Up", "fa fa-angry" => "Angry", "fa fa-angrycreative" => "Angrycreative", "fa fa-angular" => "Angular", "fa fa-ankh" => "Ankh", "fa fa-app-store" => "App Store", "fa fa-app-store-ios" => "App Store iOS", "fa fa-apper" => "Apper", "fa fa-apple" => "Apple", "fa fa-apple-alt" => "Apple Alt", "fa fa-apple-pay" => "Apple Pay", "fa fa-archive" => "Archive", "fa fa-archway" => "Archway", "fa fa-arrow-alt-circle-down" => "Arrow Alt Circle Down", "fa fa-arrow-alt-circle-left" => "Arrow Alt Circle Left", "fa fa-arrow-alt-circle-right" => "Arrow Alt Circle Right", "fa fa-arrow-alt-circle-up" => "Arrow Alt Circle Up", "fa fa-arrow-circle-down" => "Arrow Circle Down", "fa fa-arrow-circle-left" => "Arrow Circle Left", "fa fa-arrow-circle-right" => "Arrow Circle Right", "fa fa-arrow-circle-up" => "Arrow Circle Up", "fa fa-arrow-down" => "Arrow Down", "fa fa-arrow-left" => "Arrow Left", "fa fa-arrow-right" => "Arrow Right", "fa fa-arrow-up" => "Arrow Up", "fa fa-arrows-alt" => "Arrows Alt", "fa fa-arrows-alt-h" => "Arrows Alt H", "fa fa-arrows-alt-v" => "Arrows Alt V", "fa fa-artstation" => "Artstation", "fa fa-assistive-listening-systems" => "Assistive Listening Systems", "fa fa-asterisk" => "Asterisk", "fa fa-asymmetrik" => "Asymmetrik", "fa fa-at" => "At", "fa fa-atlas" => "Atlas", "fa fa-atlas-tms" => "Atlas Tms", "fa fa-atom" => "Atom", "fa fa-audible" => "Audible", "fa fa-audio-description" => "Audio Description", "fa fa-autoprefixer" => "Autoprefixer", "fa fa-avianex" => "Avianex", "fa fa-aviato" => "Aviato", "fa fa-award" => "Award", "fa fa-aws" => "Aws", "fa fa-baby" => "Baby", "fa fa-baby-carriage" => "Baby Carriage", "fa fa-backspace" => "Backspace", "fa fa-backward" => "Backward", "fa fa-bacon" => "Bacon", "fa fa-bacteria" => "Bacteria", "fa fa-bacterium" => "Bacterium", "fa fa-backpack" => "Backpack", "fa fa-backward-step" => "Backward Step", "fa fa-bahai" => "Bahai", "fa fa-balance-scale" => "Balance Scale", "fa fa-balance-scale-left" => "Balance Scale Left", "fa fa-balance-scale-right" => "Balance Scale Right", "fa fa-ban" => "Ban", "fa fa-band-aid" => "Band Aid", "fa fa-bandcamp" => "Bandcamp", "fa fa-barcode" => "Barcode", "fa fa-barcode-read" => "Barcode Read", "fa fa-barcode-scan" => "Barcode Scan", "fa fa-bath" => "Bath", "fa fa-battery-empty" => "Battery Empty", "fa fa-battery-full" => "Battery Full", "fa fa-battery-half" => "Battery Half", "fa fa-battery-quarter" => "Battery Quarter", "fa fa-battery-three-quarters" => "Battery Three Quarters", "fa fa-bed" => "Bed", "fa fa-beer" => "Beer", "fa fa-behance" => "Behance", "fa fa-behance-square" => "Behance Square", "fa fa-bell" => "Bell", "fa fa-bell-slash" => "Bell Slash", "fa fa-bezier-curve" => "Bezier Curve", "fa fa-bible" => "Bible", "fa fa-bicycle" => "Bicycle", "fa fa-bimobject" => "Bimobject", "fa fa-birthday-cake" => "Birthday Cake", "fa fa-bitbucket" => "Bitbucket", "fa fa-bitcoin" => "Bitcoin", "fa fa-bityoni" => "Bityoni", "fa fa-black-tie" => "Black Tie", "fa fa-blackberry" => "Blackberry", "fa fa-blender" => "Blender", "fa fa-blender-phone" => "Blender Phone", "fa fa-blind" => "Blind", "fa fa-blog" => "Blog", "fa fa-blogger" => "Blogger", "fa fa-blogger-b" => "Blogger B", "fa fa-bluetooth" => "Bluetooth", "fa fa-bluetooth-b" => "Bluetooth B", "fa fa-bold" => "Bold", "fa fa-bolt" => "Bolt", "fa fa-bomb" => "Bomb", "fa fa-bone" => "Bone", "fa fa-bong" => "Bong", "fa fa-book" => "Book", "fa fa-book-dead" => "Book Dead", "fa fa-book-medical" => "Book Medical", "fa fa-book-open" => "Book Open", "fa fa-book-reader" => "Book Reader", "fa fa-bookmark" => "Bookmark", "fa fa-bowling-ball" => "Bowling Ball", "fa fa-box" => "Box", "fa fa-box-open" => "Box Open", "fa fa-box-tissue" => "Box Tissue", "fa fa-braille" => "Braille", "fa fa-brain" => "Brain", "fa fa-bread-slice" => "Bread Slice", "fa fa-briefcase" => "Briefcase", "fa 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fa-mars-stroke" => "Mars Stroke", "fa fa-mars-stroke-h" => "Mars Stroke H", "fa fa-mars-stroke-v" => "Mars Stroke V", "fa fa-maxcdn" => "Maxcdn", "fa fa-medal" => "Medal", "fa fa-medapps" => "Medapps", "fa fa-medium" => "Medium", "fa fa-medium-m" => "Medium M", "fa fa-medkit" => "Medkit", "fa fa-medrt" => "Medrt", "fa fa-meetup" => "Meetup", "fa fa-meh" => "Meh", "fa fa-meh-blank" => "Meh Blank", "fa fa-meh-rolling-eyes" => "Meh Rolling Eyes", "fa fa-memory" => "Memory", "fa fa-mendeley" => "Mendeley", "fa fa-menorah" => "Menorah", "fa fa-mercury" => "Mercury", "fa fa-meteor" => "Meteor", "fa fa-microchip" => "Microchip", "fa fa-microphone" => "Microphone", "fa fa-microphone-slash" => "Microphone Slash", "fa fa-microscope" => "Microscope", "fa fa-medium-m" => "Medium M", "fa fa-medkit" => "Medkit", "fa fa-medrt" => "Medrt", "fa fa-meetup" => "Meetup", "fa fa-meh" => "Meh", "fa fa-meh-blank" => "Meh Blank", "fa fa-meh-rolling-eyes" => "Meh Rolling Eyes", "fa fa-memory" => &quo
Edited by surfuser007 on 05-04-2024 00:56,
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