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Function makefilelist Not Working Right

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I am having a problem getting 'makefilelist' to work correctly on my infusion. Here is my function:
function loadMyFiles($dir) {
   $ignoreMyFiles = '.|..|.htaccess|index.php|.tmp';
   $uploads = makefilelist(UPLOAD_FOLDER.$dir, $ignoreMyFiles, TRUE, 'files');
   return (isset($uploads)) ? $uploads : false;

And here is my calling code:
opentable("Uploaded Files");
include INFUSIONS."news_letter_panel/include/functions.php";
 $uploads = loadMyFiles(UPLOAD_FOLDER);
 if (is_array($uploads) && count($uploads) > 0) {
 echo "<table width='730' align='center' border='0' class='tbl-brdr3'><tr>n";
 echo "<td bgcolor='#840000' colspan='6' align='center'><span style='color:white;'><h4><strong>Uploaded Filenames For Attachments</strong></h4></span></td></tr><tr>n";
 $i = 1;
 foreach($uploads AS $file_name) {
 echo "<td bgcolor='#B7DBFF' align='center'><b>$file_name</b></td>n";
if ($i % 6 == 0) {
 echo "</tr><tr>n";
 echo "</tr></table>n";

All I'm trying to do is show the files w/ext in the uploads directory. Any help would be appreciated!
Edited by Grimloch on 26-12-2022 17:55,
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Well guys once again; nevermind I fixed it my self. Instead of this:
$uploads = loadMyFiles(UPLOAD_FOLDER);

It needed to be:
$uploads = loadMyFiles($uploads);

Another dumb mistake by yours truly !!
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