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Fresh installation issues

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I just installed a fresh install of PHP fusion v9 on my home server using wamp.

On the local host machine, the installation works with "localhost" in web browser but as soon as i user the www-adress the website get like this:


I believe I have set the chmod to 777 to all necessary files and folders.

Im running:
Windows 10
PHP Fusion 9.10.30

Any tips?

Best Regards
Edited by bjornjon on 17-12-2022 13:22,
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Chan 0
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In windows local LAMP environment, there are nothing to chmod. All files permissions are green by default. They are not relevant.
After you install LAMP, drop the entire PHPFusion folder into your LAMP /htdocs/ or whatever root for your document folder is, so you'll end up with something like /htdocs/php-fusion/

Next, browse to https://localhost/php-fusion/install.php and you'll be greeted with the installer. Simply follow the guide here: https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusion...age_id=225 to complete the installation process.

You will need to create 1 MySQL database with default a UTF8mb4_general_ci encoding that supports storing unicode characters. So you can just go to https://localhost/phpmyadmin and create one there.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post a follow up questions here.
Edited by Chan on 19-01-2023 08:07,
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— 1 month earlier —

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Installation Issues- 9



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Chan 0
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