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Error logs in downloads

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In last weeks i had almost daily some new entries in Fusion Error Log about undefined indexes at download details page.

There are 2 different reasons for this:
1.) url parameter for download_id was manipulated and requested as: /downloads.php?download_id=7[0]
2.) someone tried sql injection: /downloads.php?download_id=-5442%27%29%29%20OR%207857%3D7857%20AND%20%28%28%27qCfV%27%3D%27qCfV

In both cases the download details site was shown with missing download data. That means there is no method included to handle invalid parameter data for download_id.

I've included a quick fix in my template file by adding following code after
defined('IN_FUSION') || exit;
// Fix for invalid download_id in url params
if (IsSet($_GET['download_id']) && (!IsNum($_GET['download_id']) || $_GET['download_id'] < 1)) {

Maybe this change is better to implement in core files by dev team?
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Chan 0
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Thank you for letting us know the error.

See if this will also fix it. This uses later updated functions developed for next code revisions.

if (! get('download_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) ) {
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Chan 0
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