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Editor Not Working When Adding Signature in Profile Settings Page Just Refreshes & Timezone WIll

Last updated on 4 years ago
Posted 4 years ago
When I try to Edit My Profile here on the Site and use the Editor like this one for my Signature, when I click ANY BUTTON on the Editor, before or after adding Text, the Page Refreshes and the Codes for the different things like Bold, Color, Center and ETC do NOT appear in the Editor Fields. Also, I just noticed, the Timezone will not Save on this Page either. It defaults back to the original one when I click Save Profile. These are a couple minor issues that do need resolved fairly quickly since it is not working here on the site & if the Features are not working for me, they are not working for others either likely.

I can add the Codes in myself to the Signature Field since I know what most are or get them from them Forums here & add them manually but that is a pain.I will check and see if this works for now for the Signature of if there is just something wrong with the entire coding or something on that Page Can you all please check this out and resolve it ASAP? I'd appreciate it. Thank you. Here is where I am experiencing the issues for the TimeZone & also for the Signature Field.

Thanks ahead of time for all help and assistance with the issues. Please kindly let me know when the issues are resolved.

By the way, I am User SkeeredOfMyMind and have been on here for a long time but did not know my Email Address to Reset My Password for SkeeredOfMyMind so I just created a New Account.
Edited by VyperPrecisionCorporation on 06-06-2021 13:21, 4 years ago
Anonymous UserVeteran Member
Posted 4 years ago
I have no problem with that. It works.

Try another browser or device.
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Users who participated in discussion: RobiNN, VyperPrecisionCorporation

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