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Pending and completed updates

Pinned Asked Modified Viewed 2,517 times
Falk 146
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(¯·._.·(¯°·._.·°º*[ Project Manager ]*º°·._.·°¯)·._.·¯)
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Super Admin

Expected updates of Main the coming week(s).

1, Profile system is not completed and a lot will be changed, this will be corrected with a new Main site update.
2, CKEditor in our Forum is lacking the native BBCodes support from PHPFusion´s BBCode library, this will be corrected with a new Main site update. DONE
3, A whole new top notch Marketplace will be launched.
4, Wiki on main will be replaced with a new version and Development sections will be dropped. [ DONE - we changed our minds and will be keeping even the Development sections and will continue to Develop this wiki, updates for 9 will be moved from external ]
5, A Dark based Theme will be released with stright forward Core overrides as proof of concept. [ DONE - https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusions/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=40231 ]

Perhaps not in that order!.

PHPFusion 9.03.90 will be released with New Forum Templates and  Bootstrap 4 support and quite a few more goodies. [ DONE - https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusions/news/news.php?readmore=651 }

For Developers we have launched a new section with a full set of Dev. tools in our footer - Development.

1, Developers Documentation - A new Documentation system where we map functions and other development related info. [ Current content Is about to transition to our new Wiki here ]
2, Addon Generator - Exactly what it sounds like. You can select Panel, Infusion, Theme, Admin Theme. A Zipfile with basic settings and a barebone structure will be created for you.
3, Direct link to our latest SDK,  ready to study and use.
4, Translation areas & download links to v8 and v9. [ Done ]

Updated for 2021

1, A new Main site is almost ready for launch.  ( See screen of Menu / Front ). DONE
2, We will release 2 new Themes per week with concept landing pages starting the moment our new and fully completed Marketplace is online. Should be any week now.
3, As mentioned here https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusion...admore=634, we will slowly change PHP-Fusion to PHPFusion, we apologize for any confusion around this due to current inconsistencies.
4, eShop is about to make a comeback for v8 and v9 with full front-end responsiveness & multibyte char support,
All deprecated issues has been resolved + updated to operate on PHP 7.2+. The previous v7 version had some issues with Cyrillic,Arabic & Scandinavian letters which has also been fixed, A whole new order system + a lot of changes here and there.
Edited by Falk on 15-01-2021 08:35,
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Falk 146
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