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SDK for Translators - PHPFusion 9

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Falk 146
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If you master Github you can make requests directly to the directory here : https://github.com/PHPFusion/PHPFusion-9-Locale

If you want other methods, please simply attach the files to this thread or mail them to us. ( management@php-fusion.co.uk )

Flags as seen in the English locale folder can be found in images/flags and images/small_flag

Copy your large flag from images/flags to locale/YourLanguage/Language.png
Copy your small flag from images/small_flag to locale/YourLanguage/Language-s.png

To make it as simple and structured as possible I recommend that you have a clean folder structure on your translations working space.

Like :



I have attached translate_structure_sdk.zip that follows the correct structure.
Pay special attention to shoutbox_panel and rss_feeds_panel, the locale file is not in a folder but in the root of the directory.

Always use English locale as base locale from the main download pack, it is guaranteed to be updated.
Copy the files from the English directories to match the SDK structure.
Make sure that you save the files in UTF-8 Without BOM.

Once your translation is done Git it or zip the whole folder structure and attach or send it to us and we will include it for you.

Also a reminder, Please do not translate any object names anywhere.

Chan Wrote :


Hi guys, please note that these terms should not be translated and to be left as english.

"Quantum Fields"

I notice Malay called Infusion as Infusi. That's not correct. Infusion is an object name, and a patented term by PHPFusion to refer as its system module.

- Same goes as TinyMCE, please don't go translate them as "SmallMCE" or "Small Editor", etc
- Same goes as Dynamics, please don't go translate them as "Transforming Fields" or "Transformer" or "Fast Transform" , etc
- Same goes with PHPFusion, don't go translate them as "PHP-Merge", etc.
- Same goes with Defender, don't go translate them as "Defense" or "Shield".
- Don't go translate CSS, HTML, or LESS, or SASS. I have seen LESS referred to "not more" in stack-overflow
- Same goes with referring to Quantum, don't go translate them "automatic field creator engine". You can however translate User Fields as Member Fields in any language.
Edited by N/A on 24-04-2017 18:21,
Falk attached the following file:
translate_structure_sdk.zip [No information available / 785 Downloads]
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No, The less 3d party we have involved the better, But we have been looking to build our own online tools for it, not sure it will result in anything yet but is an ambition.
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pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
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Get v9 Infusion by SuN-Infusions here:
https://sun-infusions.de/ (German)
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