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Image validation problem

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I posted this in the core forum but haven't had much luck. I guess I should have posted this here first.

After upgrading (which may or may not have had anything to do with it) I suddenly get the error

"Registration failed for the following reason(s):

Incorrect validation code.

Please Try Again"

when a user tries to register.

So far I've replaced register.php and maincore.php
For some reason fusion thinks that the image validation code does not match the one typed in.

When you load register.php in your browser it places an entry in fusion_captcha that does match the one displayed on the page (the numbers do match) but when you process the form it sees them differently. Perhaps there is a problem with the long string ?hash? associated with the code? I'm really tearing my hair out.

Here is the original post

the site is http://www.msgr.com

You are welcome to create (well try to create) an account yourself to see what the problem is.

I have a fresh maincore.php and register.php so its not in those two files.

Could it be a database problem? where does fusion get the random numbers that are displayed in the verification code?
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Nevermind, the securimage.php was the wrong one in my download of PHPFusion Core 7 Edition.

Download the GNU tarball from this location if you are having this issue.

Worked for me.

Edited by bikerbones on 22-11-2008 07:04,
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