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Someone help, please - "remember me" login doesn't work

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It's getting kind of irritating that two of my three sites don't "remember me." Not only do I have to login each time I go to the site, but sometimes I have to login when I haven't been active on the site for a while and go to the admin panel (it'll bounce me back to the home page as a guest). I'm running 6.01.10 on all three sites (one site works fine). Is there a .php file that should be replaced and updated?

Damn gremlins!

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I was too hasty, but more info. It worked for a few tries, but stopped. Somewhere back in the thread, someone mentioned something about embedded folders. It may be that the two sites on the same server interfere with one another. When I look at the cookies.plist, the two problematic sites are identified by the domain (jan.ucc.nau.edu), but not by the specific account name (~jwb2 and ~chaplx-p). So, I tried going back and forth between the site that has been working and the jwb2 site. I stay remembered on jwb2. However, if I go to the chaplx site, then back to jwb2, I'm not remembered. This pattern works in any combination, as long as either jwb2 or chaplx are not both involved.

Also, this may be unrelated, but after I installed sveinungs fix, I went to "upgrade" and upgraded. So, after I noticed that the sites weren't remembering me again, I once again removed all cookies, then started playing around on the sites. I thought I'd see if there was anything to be upgraded, thinking maybe I missed something in speeding through the process. Well, what I found is that I can keep going to upgrade and it will say that there is something to upgrade. I can do this in rapid succession. This happens on all 3 sites.
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Joe Kriz
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Don't most Universities and education systems use a Proxy server?

Mabye when you login to one site, the server resets the cookie and logs you out of the other site. I could be all wet.... Been awhile since I've used a Proxy.....

Just a thought as it flew past my remaining brain cells.... :)
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Well, I probably have fewer remaining brain cells...

I really don't know about whether proxy servers are used, but, if any, the elsci site may be on a proxy server. And, that's the site that works???

Also, I talked to my inside man in the IT department today. I described the problem and his response was that he couldn't see how the current set-up of the 3 sites would cause any problems. He too was at a loss for ideas. It also turns out that all 3 sites are on the same server (referred to as jan).

So, sveinungs "fix" did fix the bouncing out of admin and into guest while working on one site and does remember me, as long as I don't switch between chaplx and jwb2. Going between elsci and either one of the others if fine, as long I don't switch.

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Hm...are they all installed with the same prefix? (fusion_) What if you try sveinungs fix but do different cookie names on all of them?
Is your user named "admin" or some such on all of them with the same password? Change it to different names and different password and see where that gets you.
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They all have different prefixes. The usernames are the same, but the passwords are different. I could try changing the usernames. And, I'm no expert (but I'm learning a lot!), so would changing the username, change the cookie?

I'm also wondering if having the same domain on two of them accounts for the problem. In the text of the cookies file, the site with no problems appears as "elsci.coe.nau.edu", while the other two sites are listed as "jan.ucc.nau.edu". The IT guy thought it wouldn't make a difference, but it seems to be a likely possibility. But, I really don't have the expertise to understand the process. Maybe, I can get one of the sites changed to one that is similar to elsci.


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Okay, now that the bouncing out of admin into guest while working on a site has been solved by sveinung's fix, I think I know what the problem of not remembering involves.

The cookies only contain the first part of the domain name (jan.ucc.nau.edu) and do not use the specific account name (i.e., jwb2 or chaplx-p). I've open my cookies plist and can watch this happen. When I move from site to site and login it changes the other information in the same cookie. I've tried inserting the account names, but they're changed back after access.

So, I'm trying to get the IT department to change one of the accounts to look like my elsci.coe.nau.edu account. Unless, someone knows a way around this....?

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