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Addons Explained

Falk edited Addons Explained on 25/10/2020
Falk added Infusions on
Falk edited Infusions on 25/10/2020
Falk added Themes on
Falk edited Themes on 25/10/2020
Falk added Widgets on
Falk edited Widgets on 25/10/2020
Falk added Panels on
Falk edited Panels on 25/10/2020
Falk added Other on
Falk edited Other on 25/10/2020

Addons is the collective term for all PHPFusion´s Infusions, Themes, Panels, Plugins, Widgets, BBCodes, User Fields, Graphics or any other PHPFusion based additions such as Core modifications or similar additions.
You can find Addons in the Marketplace


Any Addon that utilizes infusion.php to modify the Core database is called an Infusion.


Themes control the layout and the graphical design of your site´s front-end.
Admin Themes controls the style and the graphical design of your Administration area.

You can find our Themes in the Themes Directory


Any Addon that are designed by the Widgets API will be defined as a Widget.


Any Addon that creates either a center or side Panel is defined as a Panel.


All other Addons including BBCodes, User Fields, Graphics and Core modifications are simply defined as Other.