PHPFusion 9 have a Gallery system that we maintain for the public.
You can create and maintain Photo Albums very easy with the help of our Gallery system.
The design of the Gallery system are determined by the Theme you use, it can be very customized.
First you need to make sure that you have installed the Infusion we call Gallery in your system.
Add Album(s)
Album Title: Enter the Album name
Keywords: You can have SEO friendly Keywords defined for each Album, Type your wanted Keyword and press enter for each keyword you want to insert.
Description: A brief description, optional.
Album Thumbnail: Upload a thumbnail photo for this Photo Album.
Visibility: Select Access level for this Album.
Language: This is the language selection from where this category will be available. Please see
Multilingual Content for more information.
Order: For multiple albums, use this to set the order in which they are displayed.
Current Albums
With Album Actions you are able to move the order of an Album, Delete an Album or Edit a selected Album.
Use the tab Add Photo in order to populate an Album with Photos.
To view, manage and to populate a Photo Album with photos, you can click either the Album or click the Album name once it have at least one Photo in it.
Add Photo > Single Photo Upload
Photo Title: Enter the Photo name.
Keywords: You can have SEO friendly Keywords defined for each Album, Type your wanted Keyword and press enter for each keyword you want to insert.
Photo Order: For multiple photos, use this to set the order in which they are displayed in your current Photo Album.
Photo Image:: Browse on your local computer for the photo you want to upload.
Description: A brief description, optional.
Photo Album: The Album you want to place your Photo in.
Enable Comments: - Allows members to post comments on the Photo item, [If globally enabled - Settings -> Miscellaneous].
Enable Ratings: - Allows members to rate the Photo item, [If globally enabled - Settings -> Miscellaneous].
Add Photo > Mass Photo Upload
You can batch upload up to 20 photos at a time here. We have it set to 20 because of timeout reason on many hosts.
Click +Add Photo, hold and drag multiple images to select the images box.
You can also select more than one photo to upload by holding the key [SHIFT] or [CTRL] while clicking.
Comments and Ratings are on by default.
Photo title will have the file name and descriptions will be left empty on mass uploads.
Click Upload Selected Photos to start uploading your photos.
Gallery Settings
Thumbs per page: Number of items to list per page in Albums and on the Gallery front page
Thumbnail size: Default thumb size
Photo size: Default Photosize when viewing Photos
Photo max. size: Maxium Photo Size allowed
Photo max. file size: Maximum file size allowed
Allow photo submissions: Enable or Disable to allow user submissions
Require photo description: To force a photo description on user submission
Enable photos watermark: Enable for photos to have a watermark stamp
Enable text description on photos: Untick to not have description field for Photos
Save generated watermarks: It will save your watermarks
Specify .png image watermark: Path to your watermark image
Album title watermark color: Select Album title color for watermark
Album description watermark color: Select description color for watermark
Photo title watermark color: Select Photo title color for watermark
You can delete existing watermarks here as well.
Member contribution
Your members can Submit Photos using the internal Submission System.
The site owner and Administrators with Gallery Rights need to approve any submission before it is published.
You have a clear overview of all Submissions on the Admin index page.
Reviewing Photo submissions is easy and you can adjust the content of the submissions before publishing or denying.
If your server support mod_rewrite you can enable The Photo Albums SEO Module in Administration -> System Admin -> Permalinks -> Disabled Permalinks.
This will enable your Album titles and Photo titles to act as the links to the content and it will also make your Gallery very SEO friendly.
For any questions, please visit our
Content Administration Forum.