April 22 2018 · PHPFusion
PHPFusion Main have been upgraded to PHPFusion 9 (9.00.03)
Besides the custom Theme we have upgraded basics such as Users, Forums, Downloads, FaQ and a larger patch to AddonDB.…
By Falk
Read MoreBesides the custom Theme we have upgraded basics such as Users, Forums, Downloads, FaQ and a larger patch to AddonDB.…
RobiNN have been porting some of the more popular Themes from 7 to 9 for us. We will even be…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2018To all our National Support Sites, Co-workers, Users, Supporters and to all our…
We are very proud to offer the most advanced and feature rich PHPFusion version ever released, PHPFusion 9 ( Andromeda ).Download…
PHPFusion Inc have become a approved Domain Registrar by NetEarthOne.As a part of our planned services together with the…
To all our National Support Sites, Co-workers, Users, Supporters and to all our friends, fellow Fusioneers and your families…
Today we moved to A2´s Serverhall in Amsterdam due to random connectivity issues and low response times. Some posts…
About 4 months have passed since we released PHPFusion 9.0 RC 3.Our new Main site based on PHPFusion…
Due to popluar demand, here is a status report.The RC 3 have already had just a little over 80…
A little over 2 months have passed since we released PHPFusion 9.0 RC 2.Because of the amount of…
Quite a few Testers, Developers have stepped up and helped us with error reports, fixes, optimizations and so forth.This…
Almost a month have passed since we released PHPFusion 9.0 RC 1.Over 90 Reported issues on Github have…
I welcome a new Spanish site to the ranks of our National Support Sites.Welcome PHPFusion SpainThe former domain expired…
_Ephyx over at PHPFusion Hungary decided to re-open the site.Welcome back !I Thank you _Ephyx and your Team…
The wait have been long, The Development have been longer. If we made a full change log it would be…