Site, Server and PHP Version updated

Site, Server and PHP Version updated
We are now running on a pure PHPFusion 9 Core and PHP 8.
The version mix have been settled as mentioned earlier.
Please stay tuned for our new Marketplace and Hosting services to open up again.

Our new EU Server supports LiteSpeed, PHP 8 + JIT and OPcache.

We are now running on a pure PHPFusion 9 Core and PHP 8.
The version mix have been settled as mentioned earlier.
Please stay tuned for our new Marketplace and Hosting services to open up again.

Our new EU Server supports LiteSpeed, PHP 8 + JIT and OPcache.

Hosting clients can once more select PHP Version from cPanel.
Current PHP Versions in list,
PHP 5.5
PHP 5.6
PHP 7.0
PHP 7.1
PHP 7.2
PHP 7.3
PHP 7.4
PHP 8.0 + JIT Enabled

In order to enable PHP 8, enter cPanel. Find MultiPHP Manager use checkboxes for each domain in your list.
Once selected, Find PHP Version top right and click apply.

Latest versions of PHPFusion 8 and PHPFusion 9 have native support for PHP 8, You can read about the updates Here and Here.

If you are not running latest PHPFusion version we strongly recommend that you upgrade.

Download New Versions here
Falk January 11 2021 1,935

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "PHPFusion\Minify" not found in /home/fusion/public_html/themes/templates/layout.php:206 Stack trace: #0 /home/fusion/public_html/themes/templates/footer.php(37): require_once() #1 /home/fusion/public_html/infusions/news/news.php(27): require_once('/home/fusion/pu...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/fusion/public_html/themes/templates/layout.php on line 206