Hello, everyone,
This is PHPFusion CMS, Official Site Administrator.
We'd like to announce the updates made to the site as of 2019, May 22.
※ For the details, please refer to the contents below.
【 Official Logo 】
The official logo this year has been updated. The new logo is svg based and speeds up load times.
A license information and media page will be available in the incoming update on (26th of May 2019 or earlier)
【 Theme Updates 】
Several pages have been optimized for render speedier rendering.
Responsiveness in the navigation bar has been optimized restructured.
Added a new user login method in the top left of the navigational bar along with all your personal information.
【 Wallet & Marketplace Updates 】
Paypal Wallet drivers have been updated.
This is a 2 time patch - During the first patch, we will update the script to ensure compatibility with the new driver.
【 Administration 】
The latest administration script has been updated.
We hope you enjoy your time in PHPFusion Official Support Site,
Thank you.