PHPFusion 9 RC 2 Status Report

PHPFusion 9 RC 2 Status Report
Quite a few Testers, Developers have stepped up and helped us with error reports, fixes, optimizations and so forth.

This pleases us a lot, we really appreciate it, thank you again everyone that provides with a helping hand, you will not be forgotten!

If you have contributed to 9 and if I have not been mentioned in the readme, please let me know and I will adjust accordingly.

Quite a few Testers, Developers have stepped up and helped us with error reports, fixes, optimizations and so forth.

This pleases us a lot, we really appreciate it, thank you again everyone that provides with a helping hand, you will not be forgotten!

If you have contributed to 9 and if I have not been mentioned in the readme, please let me know and I will adjust accordingly.

The whole community have been in a Stand By for quite a while but it is really starting to wake up now, nothing could make us happier!

The RC 2 have already had just a little over 100 public issues settled and probably just as many, if not more non public ones simply patched in to the Github. None of the Issues have been serious, this RC version have proved to be very stable with only a some minor glitches here and there.

Currently the Documentation for 9 is being written. The Documentation is created with the same Wiki we have here on Main but on a fresh template in a new 9 based Theme.

I am not yet entirely sure if we will wait with the Official release of the sharp 9.0 version until the Main site is upgraded and the Documentation is completed or if we will release it prior to that.
I would prefer to do it all in one go so we have a solid reference Documentation and a real 9 based Forum Structure in place in order to handle it all in a good way.

If we do decide to wait, We will probably do an RC 3 round extra just because we want to eliminate double error reports on issues we already have fixed.

Stay tuned !
Falk February 12 2016 16,061

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