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<script> & <div> Code in Site Banners with TinyMCE?

Asked Modified Viewed 1,555 times
[size=12]I am seeking Web Developers & Designers, Graphic Developers & Designers, Web, Mobile App & Computer Program Coders & Programmers & Beta & Alpha Testers for new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons like Themes, Infusions, BB-Codes and ETC, as well as Websites, Mobile App & Computer Programs to help me develop, design, code & program new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons, Websites, Mobile Apps & Computer Programs and I also need some people to test those in the Beta & Alpha stages both. All jobs are paid and are freelance jobs. Please message me here if interested for a list of available positions and projects. [/size]
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Since I cannot get any of the Drop Down Menu Infusions here to work for my new PHPFusion site (running the newest version of PHPFusion 9, I am trying to create my own drop down menu. It requires just a couple lines of code. I went to add it to the Site Banners and I have TinyMCE enabled but when I add the code, it gets removed and my menu does not show. I recall having this issue before but do not remember exactly what fixed it. How can I add this code: <script type='text/javascript' src='//Menu16.com/U/FAB582CC/1/IllusiveReviewsMenu.js?h=B279'></script><div id='IllusiveReviewsMenu'></div> to my Site Banners so my drop down menu will appear without disabling TinyMCE? I need TinyMCE but I also need the code to work in the Site Banners because my navigation menu is long and not very appealing.

Also, is there an alternative to TinyMCE for PHPFusion 9 yet that works since TinyMCE is so fussy about stuff?

If you could please write the code exactly as it should be pasted in, to work, that would be extremely helpful. All help is appreciated very much!
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Chan 0
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Go to Settings > Security > Allow PHP Execution - Yes.

Will it work?
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[size=12]I am seeking Web Developers & Designers, Graphic Developers & Designers, Web, Mobile App & Computer Program Coders & Programmers & Beta & Alpha Testers for new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons like Themes, Infusions, BB-Codes and ETC, as well as Websites, Mobile App & Computer Programs to help me develop, design, code & program new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons, Websites, Mobile Apps & Computer Programs and I also need some people to test those in the Beta & Alpha stages both. All jobs are paid and are freelance jobs. Please message me here if interested for a list of available positions and projects. [/size]
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Go to Settings > Security > Allow PHP Execution - Yes.

Will it work?

Thanks for the help, but no it did not work. Now should I be pasting this code as Source Code? Keep in mind, I do have TinyMCE enabled and I do use it and need it. After I saved the code and go back, the only thing left from the code: <script type="text/javascript" src="//Menu16.com/U/FAB582CC/1/IllusiveReviewsMenu.js?h=C408"></script>
<div id="IllusiveReviewsMenu"></div> is this: <div id="IllusiveReviewsMenu"> </div>

Any other ideas? I recall one time someone told me to echo the code but I forget how to do that, can someone please remind me?
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Chan 0
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Not sure related here but, V9 own Menu has already a Drop Down. Why would you need to go for an infusion one?

There are 2 ways extras you can do it.

1. Open up your theme.php, run the code there inside render_page() {}
2. Use Panels.

Script tags are always to the footer with add_to_footer("<script src=""></script>");

In panels, which you can configure to place it to display on Upper section

echo "Hello World!";

is accepted only if your allow php execution. It doesn't matter whether TinyMCE is on or off. TinyMCE does not affect code storage. It saves the same as common textarea input.
Edited by Chan on 17-10-2019 15:24,
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[size=12]I am seeking Web Developers & Designers, Graphic Developers & Designers, Web, Mobile App & Computer Program Coders & Programmers & Beta & Alpha Testers for new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons like Themes, Infusions, BB-Codes and ETC, as well as Websites, Mobile App & Computer Programs to help me develop, design, code & program new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons, Websites, Mobile Apps & Computer Programs and I also need some people to test those in the Beta & Alpha stages both. All jobs are paid and are freelance jobs. Please message me here if interested for a list of available positions and projects. [/size]
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I was not aware PHPFusion 9 had a built in drop down menu. Exactly where is this located? I cannot seem to find a drop down menu in PHPFusion 9. Can you pleas elaborate and let me know how to enable it and use it since it exists? I will not use an external menu or infusion if one is already built in.
Edited by Falk on 20-10-2019 04:50,
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Chan 0
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[size=12]I am seeking Web Developers & Designers, Graphic Developers & Designers, Web, Mobile App & Computer Program Coders & Programmers & Beta & Alpha Testers for new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons like Themes, Infusions, BB-Codes and ETC, as well as Websites, Mobile App & Computer Programs to help me develop, design, code & program new PHP-Fusion Add-Ons, Websites, Mobile Apps & Computer Programs and I also need some people to test those in the Beta & Alpha stages both. All jobs are paid and are freelance jobs. Please message me here if interested for a list of available positions and projects. [/size]
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