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Upgrade using Softaculous

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FTW 14
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We have multiple sites using 9.03 and several using 9.10. All of the servers we use have Softaculous for installing the programs, and most of the programs we use also have a automatic upgrade option.

Since php-fusion does not offer an automatic upgrade script, is there any way that we can upgrade all of our sites that are using 9.3, using the Softaculous script without having to delete the original php-fusion program and installing a new version?

In order for us to move all the db data and images from old versions to new installs will cost us quite a bit of time, so any help or advice would be appreciated.
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How to upgrade site: https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/docs/php...-upgrading


Since php-fusion does not offer an automatic upgrade script

Since v9.10 we finally have it https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusion...admore=665 "Added automatic updates.."

Btw there is already 9.10.10 update. And via automatic updates is available v9.10.11 (contains small fix for seo urls)
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FTW 14
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While we are very happy to see you have added an update script for future upgrades, that does not help us in attempting to update the 12+ sites we already have on V9.03.

Since we have these sites spread out over different servers, we looked at many techniques to save the data and images, so we could find a way to upload it to a new version. Collecting the images from so many multiple locations will be doable, but so far, due to the variations between the versions, including new requirements for different user passwords and the variables in DB fields, we could not find a simple way to move the data from a 9.3 v to a 9.10 V on a different server that is using a newer version of php.

If anyone has suggestions on how we can convert the db over to something acceptable for a new version on a different server and version of php, (going from 7.4 to 8.0) please please let us know.

If we have to do this manually, instead of using a Softaculous type auto script, we will, it will just take us a bit longer.

Thank You
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Anonymous User
Anonymous User 367
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Just upload new update and run install.php where is the problem.... It takes max. 5 minutes to update one site.

There are no new requirements. V9.10 supports PHP from 5.6 (5.6 is not reccomended to use but cms still supports it) to newer 8, this also not problem.. DB is still the same and installer will add new fields.
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FTW 14
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Just wanted to offer an update. We tried updating multiple sites and received the following error on each one.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function PHPFusionInstallermaintenance_mode() in /xxx/xxx/xxx.org/xxx/includes/classes/PHPFusion/Installer/InstallCore.php:131 Stack trace: #0 /xxx/xxx/xxx.org/xxx/install.php(22): PHPFusionInstallerInstallCore::getInstallInstance() #1 {main} thrown in /xxx/xxx/xxx.org/xxx/includes/classes/PHPFusion/Installer/InstallCore.php on line 131

I looked at line 131 of InstallCore.php and am not sure why this error is coming up. Some of the sites we attempted were in Maintenance mode but others were not, so we are unclear as to the cause of the errors.

Thanks for any advise. Some of these sites contain data we have stored successfully online for over 20 years and we can not afford to have these sites down.

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Anonymous User 367
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Are you sure you updated every file? Try reupload.

Anyway I offer upgrade service. I can upgrade your site(s) to the latest version and fix all problems (for more info pm me).

For some reason upgrading is for some people hard process. There is nothing hard so idk.. Just all files must be updated.
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FTW 14
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I appreciate the offer, but all of our sites are run by non-paid volunteers (including me) and I have to figure out how to successfully upgrade the sites, so that I can teach it to the others.

I have tested it on various sites, but will try again on one of the test sites in the morning.
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FTW 14
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Just wanted to let you know I have been able to "upgrade" one of our test sites. It's not perfect yet, as I have to make some changes in the template to the log in appears on the front page and fix a bunch of links, etc., but at least I finally got to the admin section so I should be able to work out some of the kinks on this test site before dealing with the production sites.

Thanks for the patience and guidence.
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